
19th – 23rd September

The Czech team prepared a week full of activities connected with hiking, nature and environment for 28 pupils and 7 teachers from Spain and Latvia. Even though we had to deal with a lot of trouble, especially bad weather, and had to change some plans, in the end we were really successful.

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On Thursday 19th May 2022 Czech Erasmus + pupils with two teachers made their fourth planned trip, to Devil´s and Pulčín Rocks. Our route lead from Lidečko through these rocks to the village of Zděchov.

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After a one-year postponement due to covid-19 we finally managed to visit our partner school in Spain, Pilas, where we also met our partners from Latvia, Riga. We stayed at a great hotel Lantana Garden, situated in the middle of beautiful gardens.

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Children and teachers from our three countries, the Czech Republic, Spain and Latvia, met on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 online at a Zoom videoconference. It was hopefully the last online meeting before we would meet live in Spain in April. We had too main tasks: first, we played a kahoot game focused on some basic facts about our countries. Just for fun.

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Michaela Barochová from class 8B created a short photoreport out of photos from our first trip to Ondřejník, as a reminder of our great experience.

We have finished videoreports to our first three trips – Ondřejník massif, Lake Cáb and Lysá hora mountain. Pupils spent a lot of hours in the computer classroom editing videos in the Pinnacle programme. Everybody learned how to edit a video, add opening and closing credits and music. The videos will be a part of our e-tourist guide. You can see how successful our pupils were!

We finally got our first “real paper” letters from Latvia, kids were excited, thanks a lot! Czech Republic.
